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Newton, Michael
Själarnas Öde Nya Fallbeskivningar om livet mellan liven
Ingen match
The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers
Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children
Victorian Fairy Tales
Rosemary's Baby
The Texarkana Moonlight Murders
It's a Wonderful Life
Price Of Honor: An FBI Crime Thriller
Warriors of the Word
The Concept of Purity at Qumran and in the Letters of Paul
Iceman of Brooklyn: The Mafia Life of Frankie Yale
To Dust Return
The Origins of Science Fiction
Hate Crime in America, 1968-2013: A Chronology of Offenses, Legislation and Related Events
Själarnas resa
Chronology of Organized Crime Worldwide, 6000 B.C.E. to 2010
Själarnas öde
Minnen av livet mellan liven
Pánico moral en la sociedad británica causado por los medios de comunicación
Die groe Enzyklopadie der Serienmorder
Die Abenteuer der Seelen