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More, Thomas
Sir Thomas More's Utopia
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Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation
The Political Strategy and Philosophy Reader Including (Complete and Unabridged): Plato's Republic, Sun Tzu's the Art of War, Machiavelli's the Prince
The History of Richard III
British Philosophy Collection: Utopia, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, On Liberty and The Problems of Philosophy
Three Early Modern Utopias
City In My Hands: Mannahatta Series Book 2
Utopia In Plain and Simple English
The Wisdom and Wit of Blessed Thomas More; Being Extracts from Such of His Works as Were Written in English
Utopia : landet ingenstans
More's Utopia
Idee D'Une Republique Heureuse: Ou L'Utopie de Thomas Morus (1730)
La Tristesse du Christ
Tableau du meilleur gouvernement possible, ou L'utopie de Thomas Morus en deux livres.
La Description de L Isle D Utopie Ed 1550
Voyage A L'Ile D'Utopie (Ed.1888)
The History of King Richard III
Saint Thomas More: Selected Writings