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Heidegger, Martin
Konstverkets ursprung
Vara och tid
Till tänkandets sak
Metafysiken som varats historia
Identitet och differens
Grundens sats
Ingen match
Vad är metafysik?
Poetry, Language, Thought
Sein Und Zeit
Nietzsche: Volumes One and Two: Volumes One and Two
On My Own Publications
Basic Writings
Being and Time
What Is Called Thinking?
Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy
The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays
Aristotle's Metaphysics T 1--3: On the Essence and Actuality of Force
Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle: Initiation Into Phenomenological Research
Contributions to Philosophy (from Enowning)
Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy
Identity and Difference