Dick, Philip K.

| 1991

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Philip Stenström



This is my second reread of Philip K. Dicks classic sci-fi novel, Ubik. This book is truly mind bending and paves the way for a whole different world of "half-lifers and precogs" - people who are kept in statis between life and death in special formed mortuaries and people who posses the ability to predict the future. Ubik, is more than just the latin definition of 'everywhere', it is at some level a metaphor for God. In the novel, advertisement operates in the mind of everyone, everywhere. Subcionsciously, Ubik functions just like contemporary commercials but with a slight difference of its ability to enter dreams and convice and attract customers to by the product of Ubik. The narrative of the story fascinates with twist and turns, and also delivers doubt of what reality truly is and who's truly alive. The narrative centers around Glen Runciter, Ceo of global cooperation and Joe Chip, an employee of the same business enterprise. During a regular business trip on Luna (the moon), Runciter, Chip and other employees are attacked by a rival company. When the smokes clears of the attack, Runciter is found dead. The company finds it way to Joe Chip who is struggling to comprehend the severity of the situation. But soon, the question on the mind of everyones changes direction, suddenly reality is questioned but also who's truly alive and dead.



Ett hisnande tempo och oavbruten spänning. Detta kan visserligen sägas om många dussindeckare. Men ju närmare slutet man hastar, desto mer fascinerande blir den värld huvudpersonerna försätter sig i, allt mindre förmögna att ta sig ur eller behärska sin plats i den.

Hanna Bragberg



Alldeles för långa, komplicerade förklaringar kring telepater och precogs och deras antivarianter. Bara rörigt, inte kul alls. Fattar inte alls hypen kring denna.