The Walking Dead Compendium, Volume 1

Kirkman, Robert

| 2009

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Introducing the first eight volumes of the fan-favorite, New York Times Best Seller series collected into one massive paperback collection! Collects The Walking Dead #1-48. This is the perfect collection for any fan of the Emmy Award-winning television series on AMC: over one thousand pages chronicling the beginning of Robert Kirkman's Eisner Award-winning continuing story of survival horror- from Rick Grimes' waking up alone in a hospital, to him and his family seeking solace on Hershel's farm, and the controversial introduction of Woodbury despot: The Governor. In a world ruled by the dead, we are finally forced to finally start living.

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Patrik Klingberg



Sjukt prisvärd om man är ny TWD-läsare. Bland det bästa som gjort i serieväg de senaste åren.


Adios Flamingo



Topp tre bland det bästa jag läst. Någonsin. Jag avverkade 1 000 sidor på fyra dagar och sedan resten som finns av serien på några dagar till.