ISABEL DALHOUSIE - Book 7 Nothing captures the charm of Edinburgh like the bestselling Isabel Dalhousie series of novels featuring the insatiably curious philosopher and woman detective. Whether investigating a case or a problem of philosophy, the indefatigable Isabel Dalhousie, one of fiction's most richly developed amateur detectives, is always ready to pursue the answers to all of life's questions, large and small. Isabel has been asked for her help in a rather tricky situation: A successor is being sought for the headmaster at a local boys' school. The board has three final candidates but has received an anonymous letter alleging that one of them has a very serious skeleton in the closet. Could Isabel discreetly look into it? And so she does. What she discovers about all the candidates is surprising, but what she discovers about herself and about Jamie, the father of her young...
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Puttrig är liksom det bästa ordet att beskriva det här författarskapet och serien om Isobel Dalhousie. Det är charmerande och torrt och väldigt skottskt. Mer än något annat får serien mig att vilja åka till Edinburgh igen och igen. Men särskild minnesvärda är de ju inte, så inte heller denna.