Events that began in Jarka Ruus, Book One of High Druid of Shannara, c ome swiftly to a head in this second thrilling volume. Alliances are m ade, trusts are betrayed, and prices are paid. Through it all, Terry B rooks orchestrates the action with the flawless hand of a master mythm aker? fashioning another exquisite link in his chain of bestselling ep ics.Loyal to none but herself and lethal even to those closest to her, Shadea a?Ru now holds sway as High Druid of Paranor?her ascension to power all but unchallenged in the wake of Grianne Ohmsford?s sudden, m ysterious vanishing. Only Shadea and her catspaw?the treacherous Prime Minister Sen Dunsidan?know the secret fate of the true Ard Rhys . . . for it was they who engineered it, by means of dark magic. And now Gr ianne languishes in the fearsome and inescapable netherworld called th e Forbidding.
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