Red Star Falling

Berry, Steve

| 2024

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From New York Times bestselling authors, Steve Berry and Grant Blackwood, comes an action-packed adventure, borne in the waning days of the Cold War, that propels Luke Daniels on a quest in search of the legendary library of Ivan the Terrible -- the unlikely key to ending a looming threat orbiting two hundred miles above the earth. Wrapping up his latest assignment for the Magellan Billet, Luke Daniels receives a surprise visit from the head of a former-CIA operation named Sommerhaus -- a failed attempt to assemble an espionage network within the Ukraine on the eve of the Russian invasion. Sommerhaus ranks high on Luke's list of painful regrets for it was during this mission that his friend, CIA case officer John Vince, was captured by Russian operatives and supposedly executed. But Luke is provided some shocking news. Vince is alive, in failing health, locked behind the walls...

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