One Corpse Too Many: The Second Chronicle of Brother Cadfael

Peters, Ellis

| 1994

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"Each addition to the series is a joy. Long may the chronicles continue." -- USA Today * A Mystery Guild Alternate Selection In the summer of 1138, fighting engulfs Shrewsbury as King Stephen battles the Empress Maud for the throne of England. When Shrewsbury Castle falls, and its 94 defenders are hanged as traitors, Brother Cadfael is called upon to administer last rites to the dead. But his careful count reveals 95 corpses, and once again the sleuthing monk is on the trail of a murderer -- this time aided by a lovely young fugitive.

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Det här var den första boken om broder Cadfael jag läste. Älskade "honom" direkt - språket, romantiken, uppbyggnaden av spänning, karaktärerna osv