Isabel Allende transports us to a Latin American country in the grip of a military dictatorship, where Irene Beltran, an upperclass journalist, and Francisco Leal, a photographer son of a Marxist professor together discover a hideous crime. They also discover how far they dare go in search of the truth in a nation of terror . . . and how very much they risk.
"Allende skillfully evokes both the terrors of daily life under military rule and the subtler forms of resistance in the hidden corners . . . She can just as deftly depict loving tenderness as convey the high fire of eroticism. And when you've successfully mingled sex and politics with a noble cause, how can you go wrong?"--New York Time Book Review
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Våldets Chile under diktaturtiden. En stark berättelse om vanliga människors kamp mot diktatur och orättvisor. Att den vad jag förstår också bygger på verkliga händelser gör den inte mindre stark. Klart läsvärd. En stark 3:a