Harry Silver returns to face life in the 'blended family'. A wonderful new novel about modern times, which can be read as a sequel to the million selling Man and Boy, or completely on its own. Man and Wife is a novel about love and marriage - about why we fall in love and why we marry; about why we stay and why we go. Harry Silver is a man coming to terms with a divorce and a new marriage. He has to juggle with time and relationships, with his wife and his ex-wife, his son and his stepdaughter, his own work and his wife's fast-growing career. Meanwhile his mother, who stood so steadfastly by his father until he died, is not getting any younger or stronger herself. In fact, everything in Harry's life seems complicated. And when he meets a woman in a million, it gets even more so... Man and Wife stands on its own as a brilliant novel about families in the new century, written with all the humour,...
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Boken handlar om vardagslivet i ett äktenskap och de problem som par ofta stöter på. Den handlar helt enkelt om föräldraskap, bonusbarn och kärlek. Kärlek till sina barn, sin fru och sin blivande älskarinna. Tony Parsons är känd för sin berättarförmåga och humor,det sistnämnda saknas en del i boken och Mannen och hustrun blir helt enkelt för realistisk och vardagstråkig för mig.