I Am Radar

Larsen, Reif

| 2015

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"The Washington Post" " G]randly ambitious... another masterpiece... this genre includes some of the greatest novels of our time, from Pynchon s "V. "to David Foster Wallace s" Infinite Jest." That s the troupe Larsen has decided to join, and "I Am Radar" is a dazzling performance." The moment just before Radar Radmanovic is born, all of the hospital s electricity mysteriously fails. The delivery takes place in total darkness. Lights back on, the staff sees a healthy baby boy with pitch-black skin born to the stunned white parents. No one understands the uncanny electrical event or the unexpected skin color. A childbirth is an explosion, the ancient physician says by way of explanation. Some shrapnel is inevitable, isn t it? A kaleidoscopic novel both heartbreaking and dazzling, Reif Larsen s" I Am Radar "begins with Radar s perplexing birth but rapidly explodes outward, carrying readers...

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