"It blazes as fiercely and scintillatingly as a forest fire. There is life here; a great rage to live more fully. In this it is a giant among novels." (San Francisco Examiner) A Penguin Classic Saul Bellow evokes all the rich colors and exotic customs of a highly imaginary Africa in this acclaimed comic novel about a middle-aged American millionaire who, seeking a new, more rewarding life, descends upon an African tribe. Henderson's awesome feats of strength and his unbridled passion for life win him the admiration of the tribe--but it is his gift for making rain that turns him from mere hero into messiah. A hilarious, often ribald story, Henderson the Rain King is also a profound look at the forces that drive a man through life. This Penguin Classics edition contains an introduction by Adam Kirsch. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher...
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En av mina absoluta favoritböcker och den förtjänar mycket större popularitet och kommentarer på en här sidan. Ingen annan bok har en sådan klockren blandning av humor och filosofiskt sökande, Bellow gör än en gång en näst intill perfekt skildring av en äkta levande människa i sökandet av någonting större än sig själv