Step into the magical world of Cecelia Ahern If you could wish for one gift this Christmas, what would it be? Everyday Lou Suffern battled with the clock. He always had two places to be at the same time. He always had two things to do at once. When asleep he dreamed. In between dreams, he ran through the events of the day while making plans for the next. When at home with his wife and family, his mind was always someplace else. On his way into work one early winter morning, Lou meets Gabe, a homeless man sitting outside the office building. Intrigued by him and on discovering that he could also be very useful to have around, Lou gets Gabe a job in the post room. But soon Lou begins to regret helping Gabe. His very presence unsettles Lou and how does Gabe appear to be in two places at the same time? As Christmas draws closer, Lou starts to understand the value of time. He sees what is truly...
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Jag har läst två böcker av Cecelia Ahern tidigare, ”P.S. Jag älskar dig!” och ”Där regnbågen slutar”. (Länkarna går till mina recensioner av dom).
”Gåvan” var väl ungefär som dom två tidigare. Lite bättre än ”När regnbågen slutar”, men lite sämre än ”P.S. Jag älskar dig!”
Helt okej för lite lättsam underhållning, men ingenting som jag kommer att minnas.
( Läs gärna alla mina bokrecensioner i min blogg, Bims Blogg - )
Hmmm en banal bok, en banal historia, om det vi alltid tjatar om, mer tid, om vi bara kan vara på två ställen samtidigt, jag hinner inte med, jag borde göra det, jag borde göra detta, vad ska man prioritera, dåliga samveten, och alltid missar vi det som egentligen är det viktiga... nåväl, lättläst men tämligen trist bok i det stora hela!