A Fraction of the Whole

Toltz, Steve

| 2008

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Martin Dean spent his entire life analyzing absolutely everything - from the benefits of suicide to the virtues of strip clubs - and passing on his self-taught knowledge to his son, Jasper. But now that his father's dead, Jasper can fully reflect on the man who raised him in intellectual captivity, and the irony is this: theirs was a great adventure. As he recollects the extraordinary events that led to his father's demise, Jasper recounts a boyhood of outrageous schemes and shocking discoveries - about his infamous criminal uncle, his mysteriously absent mother, and Martin's constant battle to leave his mark on the world. From the Australian bush to the cafes of Paris; from the highs of first love to the lows of failed ambition, this is an unforgettable, rollicking and deeply moving family story.

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Jack Russel



Många underhållande inslag, tokiga och bisarra händelser i denna skruvade historia. Dock är den något lång och jag tycker den tappar farten på upploppet.

Olle N



Om du är sugen på en STOR (633 sidor) bok i sommar, kan det här vara den rätta för dig. Underhållning på hög nivå... En stark fyra!